powerpoint models

PowerPoint Models

As you have learned throughout this professional writing course, one of the secrets to successful communication is the ability to adapt your writing to a template that your audience expects, based upon your analysis of that audience.
For each assignment you have been provided model responses from past students and professional writers, then encouraged to use these models to construct an effective template for your writing.  No matter what your project is—a policy memo, an employee evaluation, a recommendation letter, a budget report, even a research project—your writing will beneift from your close examination of model templates.

Same here.

Below are model PowerPoints from three previous students who have completed this PowerPoint option for their final project. You will not see anything fancy. No sirens, jumping jack type effects, neon blossoms, or whirligigs. Just the basic principles of visual design for a live PowerPoint. For a review of those basic principles click here.

After viewing these model PowerPoints, one thing should be crystal clear: PowerPoint slides serve only as a visual accompaniment to your oral presentation. The core of your presentation is you--your voice, your sentences, your vocal mannerisms, your presence.

You are the star. Not the PowerPoint slides.

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