
PowerPoint Video Tutorials

It goes without saying that your PowerPoint should be professionally designed. Nothing screams "not ready for manager" louder than a garish PowerPoint that shows little understanding of visual literacy or the needs of a live audience. To that end, here are PowerPoint design tutorials that provide some of the basics. The first set is limited to the use of PowerPoint 2007. The second set covers earlier versions of PowerPoint but provides more extensive instruction on PowerPoint principles that can be used with any version.

PowerPoint 2007




PowerPoint '93 - '03





Second Life Video Tutorials

Linden Labs, the company behind Second Life, has designated a staff member to make video tutorials for SL players. Torley Linden's tutorials are fun and the most authoritative to be found. Here are those that you will find most applicable to your work on this project:

In addition, below is a video tutorial on how to get started in Second Life (SL). It covers how to create a free Second Life account, build an avatar, navigate Orientation Island, and use the Search function to find Escribir Park and Escribir House.

Getting Started: How to Find Escribir Park & Escribir House

If you experience problems viewing the video, here is a link to the YouTube version: