

Shocking Facts About Water.

California drought map

Current Conditions

Reservoir Conditions

California supplies the majority of food products in the United States.

California supplies majority of US food

Merced Farm Bureau


We Are in Desperate Need of Water

California missing a year's worth of rain

California has been experiencing severe drought for four years now. The water situation is getting worse. According to the news, there is only enough water for a year. Without water, how can people survive?

California is Thirsty

Drought can have a devastating effect on all living things. Without enough precipitation, food supply will become scarce. Farmers will not be able to produce enough food we need.


  1. Given a real-world situation or problem, students will be able to analyze and evaluate the problem and determine ways to solve it based on knowledge gained from navigating the web page.
  2. Using a medium of choice, students will be able to create a campaign material to communicate the need for water conservation.


drought - a long period of time during which there is very little or no rain

precipitation - water that falls to the ground as rain, snow, sleet, or hail

water conservation - refers to the preservation, control and development of water resources, both surface and groundwater, and prevention of pollution



The California drought has gotten to a point where water rationing has become mandatory.  People are being asked to do their part in saving water.

Follow the instructions below in doing this activity.


Click and watch the video California’s Water Crisis to learn about the current water problem. Read about Water Shortage to get more knowledge about water.


Write a paragraph to summarize what you have learned about the California water crisis and its effect on living things after watching the video and exploring the web links. Make sure to include important details and use vocabulary related to the topic of water.

Making Changes

It's time to do your part in helping save water.


Explore the links below to help you learn better ways to manage water use.


Water Facts and Conservation Tips

Play this Game: Water Sense Kids


Think of other ways that you can conserve water in your daily use. Create a campaign about how to use water wisely using a medium of your choice (posters, songs, poetry, signs, video clips, PowerPoint, or blog).
