Life-Cycles and Their Stages

First Grade Life Science:

Different animals have different stages in their life-cycles. Plants go through their own life-cycles.

Life-Cycles and Their Stages

Learning Objectives:

    After reading and interacting with this web page with their parents, first grade students will be able to:
    1. Identify the four stages of each life-cycle; sunflower, frog and butterfly, with 90% accuracy.
    2. Order the stages of each life-cycle; sunflower, frog and butterfly, with 90% accuracy.
    3. Explain & discuss the stages of each life-cycle; sunflower, frog and butterfly, with 90% accuracy.
    4. Read & comprehend, A Brand New Butterfly, a non-fiction, end of 1st grade Benchmark book, with at least 92% accuracy.
    5. Answer open-ended questions about A Brand New Butterfly with at least 80% accuracy.

The Sunflower Life-Cycle

The sunflower starts life as a seed. When the seed is planted in the soil, it sprouts roots and shoots up a stem. Soon, leaves grow on the stem. As the plant grows, the stem gets thicker and stronger. The leaves get bigger, too. Soon, a blossom develops and, after some time, will open up to a flower where seeds will grow. When those seeds fall to the soil, the life-cycle will begin again.

roots, sprouts, flower, seeds

El ciclo de vida de un girasol

El ciclo de la vida de un girasol empieza con una semilla. La semilla se planta en la tierra y, despues de unos dias con un poco de agua y sol, crece raices y manda un vástago y hojas arriba de la tierra. Después de unos dias más, el vástago y las hojas se ponen mas fuerte y crecen una flor. La flor se pone más fuerte con agua, sol y el tiempo, y, al final, crece semillas en el médio de la flor. Cuando las semillas se caen, el ciclo de vida empieza otra vez.

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The Frog Life-Cycle

The life-cycle of a Frog starts in a fresh water pond. The mother frog lays eggs in a pond and after a few days the eggs hatch into tiny tadpoles. The tadpoles are more like fish than frogs. They have gills and breathe underwater. Eventually, they will grow back legs, front legs and lungs. When they have formed their back legs, front legs and lungs, their tail begins to shrink. They are no froglets. When the tail disappears, they are adult frogs and will live in both land and water.

frog life-cycle

El ciclo de vida de una rana

El ciclo de vida de una rana empieza con unos huevos que la mamá rana pone en un estanque de agua. Después de unos dias, los huevos nacen en unos renaquajos. Estos renaquajos se parecen más a unos peces que ranas. Después de dos semanas, los renaquajos empiezan crecer las piernas de atras y las piernas de alante. También, empiezan crecer pulmones. La cola se empieza hacer más chiquita. En esta etapa, todavia no es una rana adulta porque tiene un poquito de su cola todavia. Cuando la cola se desaparese completamente, es una rana.

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The Butterfly Life-Cycle

The life-cycle of the butterfly starts with a tiny egg laid on a leaf by the mom butterfly. After a few days, the egg hatches and out climbs a caterpillar. The caterpillar eats and eats and sheds its skin as it grows. After a couple of weeks, it makes a chrysalis on a twig or branch and changes for the last time. The caterpillar will stay in the chrysalis for about 2 weeks. When it emerges, it will be a beautiful butterfly.

El ciclo de vida de una mariposa

El ciclo de vida de una mariposa empieza con un huevo puesto en una hoja de un arbusto. Después de dos or tres dias, nace una oruga de el huevo. La oruga come y come y crece mucho por dos semanas. Cuando no puede crecer más, la oruga se hace una crisálida abajo de una ramita. La oruga se queda en esa crisálida por 2 semanas y cuando nace de la crisálida es una mariposa maravillosa.

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frog eggs renacuajo
baby frog with tail rana
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some_text some_text

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Click here to take a Sunflower Life-Cycle Test

Click here to take a Frog Life-Cycle Test

Click here to take a Butterfly Life-Cycle Test