Media Analysis and Course Design Specifications
Reference: Lee and Owens

PART ONE:  Justification for web deployment of learning activities and objects.
Read Lee and Owens (Part 1, focus on chapters 1 and 11) and find one additional scholarly source related to media analysis.

Keep in mind the overall scenario for this course: In Week 1 you were commissioned to design a learning object tutorial for your target audience (K-20 students or corporate employees). Last week you identified a topic for your learning object and completed a Needs Analysis and Audience Analysis for it. This week you will justify why your learning object should be delivered via the Internet and specifically the WWW.

Discuss why an Internet-based deployment is a better choice for delivery of your learning object than other methods. Your answer should include a media analysis of your topic. A media analysis focuses on the types of media your learning object requires such as images, video, self-scoring quizzes, etc., and why the web is required to deploy them. Include two references (Lee & Owens and one additional scholarly article) cited in APA style.

PART TWO Instructional Design Plan and Project Team
Read Lee and Owens (Part 2, focus on chapters 15, 16, and 17).

Create a Course Design Specification (CDS) document for your learning object. Although you are commissioned to create only one tutorial for your final project, for the purposes of creating a CDS, pretend you are creating an entire web site (course). Identify the project team members needed to create the entire course and how long would be required to complete the job.  Use the reading in Lee and Owens as your primary source, coupled with one additional scholarly source that supports your plan.

Collaborize Classroom

This week  you will respond to the two DB tasks above in a Collaborize Classroom of your own creation. Collaborize is a free, private online discussion forum that can be used to augment your physical classroom or class web site (if your current site lacks a threaded discussion feature).

Yes, I know the following are commercials for Collaborize, but they are valuable if you listen to what these digital natives say about how an online tool fit their needs and affected their learning. Feel free to substitute the names of any number of similar tools for "Collaborize" as you listen. The effect on digital natives remains the same: Social constructivism, anyone?

When creating the discussion forum in a Collaborize Classroom, the teacher can upload any media as a starter, including embedding a video. Students respond inside a WYSIWYG text interface. Students can also use Collaborize Classroom to create their own DBs following a variety of interaction formats. Again, social constructivism, anyone?

Please follow these steps:
1. Go to Collaborize Classroom and click on "Sign Up For Free Site Today."
2. Fill in all fields in the registration form. Click Next.

3. Give classroom a name and customize your username. Click "Create My Collaborative Classroom."

4. Title discussion and  paste in two DB assignments from above. Select "Forum," category ("Class 1 Discussion") and set end date as Sunday. 

5. Click "Video" under Attach a File. You will be prompted to give video a name, then retrieve embed code from your YouTube video introduction to the discussion.

6. Paste in embed code for your video and click "Publish."

7. Open the discussion you created and provide responses to both DB questions as directed above.

8. Click "Manage" tab from top nav bar, select "Members" from drop-down menu.

9. Click on "Invite New Members" and add email addresses of all members of the class:,,,,,,,CJSDAUGHTER@GMAIL.COM,,,,,ALONZONSD@YAHOO.COM,,,

10. Delete any gaps or empty spaces in email list after pasting it in. Click on "Send Invitations" and again on "Send Invitations" on the next screen after checking addresses.

RESPOND: You will invited to join the Collaborize Classrooms of all students in the class who complete this assignment. Choose at least two class members to visit in the classrooms. After watching their intro video and reading their DB responses, provide feedback to the classmate following the guidelines in the course syllabus.

Video Tutorial for Collaborize Classroom

N.B.: This single page starting above this note would be considered a multimedia learning object like the one you are to build for this course: a single-page tutorial done in html, deployed via the WWW, containing hyperlinks and different types of media assets.

The html for this page is:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
  <meta http-equiv="content-type"
 content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
 style="text-align: left; width: 757px; font-family: Calibri; height: 911px;"
 border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
      <td style="width: 751px;"><big><big>Media
Analysis and Course Design Specifications</big><br>
      <small>Reference: Lee and Owens</small></big><br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">PART ONE:</span>&nbsp;
Justification for web deployment of learning activities and objects.<br>
Read Lee and Owens (Part 1, focus on chapters 1 and 11) and find <span
 style="font-style: italic;">one additional scholarly source</span>
related to needs assessment or media analysis.<br>
      <span style="font-style: italic;">Keep in mind the
overall scenario for this course: In Week 1 you were commissioned to
design a&nbsp;learning object tutorial for your target audience
(K-20 students or corporate employees). Last week you identified a
topic for your learning object and completed a Needs Analysis and
Audience Analysis for it. This week you will justify why your learning
object should be delivered via the Internet and specifically the WWW.</span><br>
Discuss why an Internet-based deployment is a better choice for
delivery of your learning object than other methods. Your answer should
include&nbsp;a media analysis of your topic. A media analysis
focuses on&nbsp;the types of media your learning object requires
such as images, video, self-scoring quizzes, etc., and why the web is
required to deploy them. Include two references (Lee &amp; Owens
and one additional scholarly article) cited in APA style.<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">PART TWO</span>:&nbsp;
Instructional Design Plan and Project Team<br>
Read Lee and Owens (Part 2, focus on chapters 15, 16, and 17). <br>
Create a Course Design Specification (CDS) document for your learning
object.&nbsp;Although you are commissioned to&nbsp;create only
one tutorial for&nbsp;your final project, for the purposes of
creating a CDS, <span style="font-style: italic;">pretend
you are creating an entire web site (course)</span>. Identify the
project team members needed to create the entire course and how long
would be required to complete the job.&nbsp; Use the reading in Lee
and Owens as your primary source, coupled with one additional scholarly
source that supports your plan.<br>
      <big><big><big>Collaborize Classroom</big></big></big><br>
This week &nbsp;you will respond to the two DB tasks above in a <a
 href="" target="_blank">Collaborize
Classroom</a> of your own creation. Collaborize&nbsp;is a
free, private online discussion forum that can be used to augment your
physical classroom or class web site (if your current site lacks a
threaded discussion feature).<br>
Yes, I know the following are commercials for Collaborize, but they are
valuable if you listen to what these digital natives say
about how an online tool fit their needs and affected their
learning. Feel free to substitute the names of any number of similar
tools for "Collaborize" as you listen. The effect on digital natives
remains the same:<br>
 style="width: 566px; height: 169px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
 border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
 allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="152"
 allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="152"
 allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="152"
When creating the discussion forum in a Collaborize Classroom, the
teacher can upload any media as a starter, including embedding a video.
Students respond inside a WYSIWYG text interface. Pretty bare bones;
did I mention&nbsp;it was free?<br>
 style="border: 1px solid ; float: right; width: 247px; height: 237px;"
 hspace="8" vspace="5"><br>
Please follow these steps:<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">1.</span> Go
to <a href=""
 target="_blank">Collaborize Classroom</a>&nbsp;and
click on "Sign Up For Free Site Today."<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">2.</span>
Fill in all fields in the registration form. Click Next.<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">3.</span>
Give classroom a name and customize your username. Click "Create My
Collaborative Classroom."<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">4. </span>Title
discussion and &nbsp;paste in two DB assignments from
above. Select "Forum," category ("Class 1 Discussion") and set end date
as Sunday.&nbsp;<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">5.</span>
Click "Video" under Attach a File. You will be prompted to give
video a name, then retrieve embed code from your YouTube video
introduction to the discussion.<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">6.</span>
Paste in embed code for your video and click "Publish."<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">7.</span>
Open the discussion you created and provide responses to both
questions as directed above.<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">8.</span>
Click "Manage" tab from top nav bar, select "Members" from drop-down
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">9.</span>
Click on "Invite New Members" and add email addresses of all members
of the class:<br>
 style="font-family: Segoe UI; color: white; background-color: rgb(28, 98, 145);
width: 500px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
 border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
            <td style="background-color: transparent;"><small>,,,,,,<br>,CJSDAUGHTER@GMAIL.COM,,<br>,,,<br>
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">10.</span>
Delete any gaps or empty spaces in email list after pasting it in.
Click on "Send Invitations" and again on "Send Invitations" on the next
screen after checking addresses.<br>
Here is a video tutorial--<br>
      <iframe src=""
 allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315"
      <span style="font-weight: bold;">N.B.:</span>
This single page starting above this note would be considered a
multimedia learning object like the one you are to build for this
course: a single-page tutorial done in html, deployed via the WWW,
containing hyperlinks and different types of media assets.<br>
The html for this page is: <br>
<br style="font-family: Calibri;">